Welcome To Fallsington Elementary

  • Fallsington Elementary School is committed to providing students with a high-quality education within a clean and safe facility. Our learning community is committed to safety, respect, and responsibility. Our commitment is reflected in our Core Beliefs.
    Put safety first.
    All people deserve respect.
    We are a responsible community.
    We demonstrate our PAW pride through modeling, encouraging, and promoting behaviors that reflect our commitment to safety, respect, and responsibility.

    We demonstrate our PAW pride through modeling, encouraging, and promoting behaviors that reflect our commitment to safety, respect, and responsibility.

    We put safety first by…
    • Keeping our hands, feet, and objectives to ourselves.
    • Reporting unsafe conditions to an adult.
    • Walking in an orderly line in the hallway with our hands at our sides.
    • Asking for permission to leave our seats while in the cafeteria.
    We respect others by…
    • Demonstrating appropriate and respectful verbal and non-verbal behavior.
    • Respecting school property, buses, as well as the property of others.
    • Following directions.
    • Walking silently while in the hallway.
    • Taking turns and including others.
    • Listening to announcements, safeties, and adults during both admission and dismissal.
    We are responsible by…
    • Remembering to take all belongings home at the end of the day.
    • Completing assignments on time.
    • Following classroom rules.
    • Traveling throughout the building in a safe and orderly fashion.
    • Remaining in our assigned areas (classroom, cafeteria, playground, etc.).
    • Wearing appropriate clothing to school.
    • Arriving to school on time.
    • Attending school on a consistent basis.
    • Going to an adult for help.

Office Staff

Vincent DePaola
Jennifer Pringle
Principal's Secretary