PHS Student Parking Regulations

  • Revised  August 2024

    To obtain a parking permit, you must:  

    1. Be a current JR or SR in good standing (Junior at least 13 credits and Senior at least 19.5 credits)
    2. Complete the PHS parking pass application form,
    3. Provide VALID copies of PA driver’s license (learner's permits will NOT be accepted), vehicle registration, and insurance card (cannot be expired), 
    4. Clear all obligations, and
    5. Submit parking permit fee using the online payment option.
    6. To obtain your permanent parking pass, turn in the signed Parent/Student Parking Form to the PHS West main office on the first day of school, September 4th, 2024, after the first period, the second period, or after school (2:15 p.m.).

    To avoid any inconvenience, please adhere to the following guidelines:

    1. Parking Permits: Ensure your vehicle has a valid parking permit visibly displayed in the rearview mirror. Permits are not transferable and may NOT be ‘lent’ to other students. Permits found in vehicles not listed on the parking form will be confiscated and violators could face penalties.
    2. Designated Parking Areas: Park only in the numbered student parking spot assigned. Do not park in staff, visitors, or reserved parking spaces, fire lanes, handicapped spaces (without proper authorization), or any other restricted zones.
    3. Accessing your vehicle: Students are not permitted to go to their car during school hours without administrative permission and are not permitted to leave campus during school hours without administrative AND parental permission.
    4. Lost/Stolen Permits: Lost/Stolen permits will be replaced at the original cost. It is your responsibility to take care of the permit. Your car should be locked at all times when parked on campus.
    5. School expectations: Student drivers are required to follow all traffic and vehicle regulations (see Student Code of Conduct, Motor Vehicles section, for specific expectations) and are expected to attend school and follow all school rules and expectations. You are responsible for the behavior of any students who ride to school with you. For your protection, make sure all passengers are aware of these regulations. Student-operated vehicles on campus are subject to search – see details in the student conduct policy.  (FEES WILL NOT BE REFUNDED IF PARKING PRIVILEGES ARE SUSPENDED or REVOKED).
    6. Students with Senior Privilege or Practical Child Development on their schedule may NOT be assigned to the stadium lot.  

    Unauthorized vehicles, including those parked in restricted areas, in spaces that are not assigned to them, and/or without a valid parking permit, will be subject to the following graduated penalties.

    1. First Offense: Warning ticket issued
    2. Second Offense: Ticket issued ($25 obligation)
    3. Third and Subsequent Offenses: Vehicle will be towed at the owner's expense.

    Student parking at Pennsbury High School is a privilege. Students who do not follow the above rules will incur disciplinary action. Disciplinary action may include, but is not limited to, suspension/revocation of parking privileges, after-school detention, and/or suspension from school. 

    Administration reserves the right to revoke or suspend parking privileges for any reason.