Welcome to the Pennwood Health Suite

  • To contact the school nurse, please call 215-428-4237, then press 1

    Please click here to access Pennsbury Medical Forms.

    PA Immunization Guidelines

    Current 6th Grade Students:
    The Pennsylvania state law mandates that students entering 7th grade next year must have one dose of Tdap and one dose of Meningococcal Vaccine IN ORDER TO START THE FIRST DAY OF 7th GRADE.

    Therefore, it is extremely important to submit these shot records during their 6th grade school year in order to avoid exclusion for your child’s first day of 7th grade.

    If your child has had these immunizations, please make sure the school nurse has an updated copy of the dates the immunizations were given.

    Please call the Pennwood Nurse’s office, your pediatrician, or the PA Department of Health with any questions.

    Always make a copy prior to sending them in to avoid any further issues.

    Rules for Medications in Schools

    Only medications that are necessary during school hours will be given. For example:
    • ADHD/ADD medications
    • Antibiotics which require 4 doses in a day
    • Emergency medications such as Epipen, Asthmatic Inhalers, and mini-nebulizers
    Each medication must have a permission slip signed by the parent, and the medication needs to be in the original Rx container.
    Controlled substances, such as Ritalin, Clonidine, etc. MUST be brought in by a guardian. These medications must be counted and signed in by the guardian and nurse and kept locked.
    Medications that are early morning or late afternoon, such as 3:00, should be given at home. Example: An Antibiotic for 3x/day should be given before the child comes to school, then when the child comes home, and then just before bedtime or as specifically ordered by the physician.

    Medication Policy

    Prescription medication MUST be sent in the original pharmaceutical container or accompanied by a physician’s order to take the medication during the school day. Any over-the-counter medications must be in their original container and accompanied by a physician’s order to take the medication during school hours. A parent permission form must also be completed for any medication given. All drugs that are controlled by the Federal Narcotics Act MUST be brought to school by the parent/guardian and NOT sent to school with the student.

    *Health Examination Sixth and Seventh Grades*

    Current 6th and 7th Grade Students:
    Physical examinations are required of all sixth-grade students, and dental examinations are required of all seventh-grade students in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.  If you plan to take your child to a private physician or dentist instead of school exams, please have the proper form filled out at the time of the appointment. Forms may be obtained from our nurse or on the right of the page. These private examination forms are due now. If your form has not been returned, please do so as soon as possible.

    Medical Excuses From Physical Education

    Medical excuses from physical education classes may be written by a parent for up to 3 days. If excused MORE than 3 days, a doctor’s note MUST be brought in. The doctor’s note must state how long the student is to be out of physical education and when the student is cleared to return to physical education. Not providing a doctor’s note will affect the student’s physical education grade.
    If students are excluded from physical education due to a medical excuse, they are also excluded from school team sports. 

    Be a germ stopper

    Cover your mouth and nose with a tissue or your upper sleeve, not your hand. Wash your hands with soap and water.
    • After you sneeze or cough
    • After using the bathroom
    • Before you eat
    • Before you touch your eyes, mouth or nose