Dear Pennsbury Community Member,
Thank you for taking the time to review the material presented on the pages of this website. Our intent is to provide information that can serve as a strong foundation for important home-school partnerships as well as active community engagement.
It is an honor and a privilege to begin my journey as Superintendent of the Pennsbury School District, which began on August 1, 2021. I have been transitioning into my new role since the end of May. During this time, my goal was to learn as much about Pennsbury as possible. I had the opportunity to attend several high-profile Pennsbury events, including the legendary PHS Senior Prom and Sports Nite, as well as several end-of-the-year events at the elementary level. I met individually with each member of my administrative team, members of the Board of School Directors, and leadership from the teachers' association. We are very fortunate to have a group of individuals who are extremely dedicated and have worked tirelessly during a challenging time to support our students and teachers. Everyone I met stressed their commitment to making Pennsbury the best it can be.
In order for our School District to be successful, we need to have a vision and direction with measurable goals that can be evaluated on an annual basis. It is important that we achieve these goals to address our aging facilities, improve our curriculum, address school start times, continue our equity work, and provide needed support for our students.
Another critical area needed for success is clear, timely, and transparent communication. I believe community and parent input is essential as we build on the strong traditions in Pennsbury. I will be providing regular reports to the community, and we will be expanding our presence on social media to provide quick, easy-to-find updates. Starting in the fall, I also plan to schedule Superintendent Roundtable meetings to provide community members and parents/guardians the opportunity to share their perspectives of the District, challenges we may be facing, along with ideas for the future. I will also schedule regular open office hours for the same purpose. More information about dates and times will be forthcoming.
Pennsbury has incredible traditions and a very supportive community that wants the best for its children. It is my hope that we can work together to face these challenges so our School District can take its place among the best in Pennsylvania and the nation. I look forward to our work together as we lead Pennsbury into a bright future.
Thomas A. Smith, Ed.D.
District Superintendent
Pennsbury School District
Superintendent Annual Evaluation
The Pennsbury School District Board of Directors conducted an annual evaluation of Dr. Thomas Smith, Superintendent, in June of 2023. It has been determined that Dr. Smith met all of the objective performance measures for the 2022-2023 school year with a rating of Distinguished. Review the Board of Directors' objective performance measures.