Pennwood Student Clubs & Activities

  • There are many clubs and activities available for students after school each day. Please tell your child to listen for daily announcements of club starting dates, times and locations. Other activities may be added from time-to-time.

    Art Club - Meetings will be held every Thursday from 3:00 pm to 5:00 pm.  We create many new and exciting projects using a variety of materials. Art Club site

    Computer Club - Students have the opportunity to create and explore various computer applications in a fun and friendly environment.

    The D.A.C - The Diversity Acceptance Club - Our mission is to provide support and raise awareness of the different communities in our school, and to encourage acceptance of diversity. This is a social group that meets most Thursdays throughout the school year from 3:00 pm to 4:00 pm. All students and newcomers are welcome. Please listen to announcements for locations and schedule changes.   
    Little Dresses for Africa - Students create dresses from pillow cases which are sent to different countries in Africa.

    Student Council - Students organize and participate in school spirit days, evening socials, fundraising, and community service projects.

    Reading Olympics  - Students attend after-school meetings to prepare for a countywide competition in the spring. Teams of 8-12 students share the reading of 45 books.  Reading Olympics site

    Pennwood TV Channel 6 - Students are involved in a “live” morning news show each day which is broadcast in every homeroom.

    MathCounts - Mathcounts is a competition in which small teams of students compete against other middle schools in Bucks and Montgomery Counties. Any 6th, 7th, 8th grader interested in mathematics is welcome to join.

    Yearbook - Students help with the creation of the annual Pennwood yearbook.

    School Musical  - Please visit the musical website for more information: Musical Site

    Music - Musical instrument programs include: 6th Grade Band, 7th/8th Grade Band, Jazz Band, and 6th, 7th, & 8th Grade Orchestras.

    Geography Club  -  Geography Club meets on the first Wednesday of the month from
    3:00 -5:00 pm. Information will be posted in the Morning Announcements.