Pennsbury School Bus Code of Conduct

    • Every Pennsbury school bus has the capability of being equipped with a surveillance camera to monitor student behavior.  In the event of any misconduct in which students have been videotaped and recommended for disciplinary action, a request for viewing the videotape may be made by the student's parent/guardian.  All requests, in writing, should be addressed to the principal of the student's school. Parent/guardian may only view the portion of the tape that documents the alleged misbehavior of their child on the bus.
    • Riding a bus is a privilege, not a right, which may be revoked for, but not limited to, any of the following: fighting, throwing objects, vandalizing bus equipment, smoking, lighting of matches or lighters, drinking, use of profanity, verbal abuse, or other acts that disrupt or distract from the safe operation of the bus.
    • Any student involved in any inappropriate behavior on a school bus will be suspended from the bus immediately by the principal and/or his designee.  Depending on the severity of the behavior, the principal or their designee may take additional action including, but not limited to, extended suspension from school and/or expulsion following a Due Process Hearing.
    • Students must be seated and remain seated while the bus is in motion.
    • Students may lose the privilege of riding the bus for a period of time to be determined by the principal or their designee.
    • Principals, their designees, or bus drivers may assign students to a specific seat on the bus to maintain order and safety.
    • Students are prohibited from taking photos or videos on school buses.
    • Elementary and Middle School students are prohibited from using their cell phones on the bus.