Financial Aid Resources

  • The Pennsbury Scholarship Foundation has assembled the following resources to help Pennsbury students and their parents learn more about other financial aid available to Pennsbury High School graduates. The following links also point toward grants and loans sponsored by the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania and the federal government. In addition to information about specific scholarship and loan programs, we've listed some sources of general information about higher education, about applying for loans and where to get information from other state agencies. 

    Pennsbury High School Guidance Department

    The Pennsbury High School guidance office has information about scholarships available for graduating seniors. Students who are interested in or qualify for a specific scholarship listed in the guidance office should jot down the number(s) of the scholarships that interest them and ask a guidance counselor for more information about the numbered scholarships.

    All Pennsbury High School seniors are urged to apply for a scholarship from the Pennsbury Scholarship Foundation. 

    Junior-level students should make a note of all scholarships that fit their personal interests and profile and are encouraged to contact the high school guidance office very early in the fall semester of their senior year to check on the availability of grants. There is no guarantee, however, that the scholarships listed below will be repeated in future years.

    Pennsylvania Financial Aid Resources

    • Pennsylvania Higher Education Assistance Agency  This state agency provides need-based grants and loans.
    • Pennsylvania 529 College Savings Program    This state-managed program is a college prepayment plan designed to help parents set aside money regularly and to have all or part of their childrens' tuition paid before they start college or technical school anywhere in the U.S.  Formerly known as the TAP 529 Pennsylvania Tuition Account Program, this state-sponsored program offers a range of resources specifically designed to help families save for college. 


    Federal Financial Aid Information

    Additional Scholarship Information


College Resources

  • The Pennsbury Scholarship Foundation has assembled the following resources to help Pennsbury students and their parents learn more about colleges in Pennsylvania and across the nation. The last web link below offers an online college-application process endorsed and accepted by hundreds of colleges and universities across the nation, including 36 in Pennsylvania.

    The following websites serve a variety of purposes, from providing information the college public relations and admissions directors want you to see, to information provided by independent sources. There's even a listing of college newspapers, so students and parents can get a glimpse at what campus life is like today.

    • The College Board, which is best known for its college entrance examination programs, offers this outstanding website to give students and parents information about choosing a college, preparing for college, getting ready for the tests, and taking the test.
    • College Newspapers An inside look at student and campus life at the nation's colleges, from the student writers and editors who publish these online newspapers.
    • Advanced Placement Examination Program The College Board, which administers the Advanced Placement exams, offers this website to outline the choices of exams that can be taken following college-level courses (for college credit or course exepmtions) taught at the nation's high schools.
    • College Entrance Examination Program The Educational Testing Service, which administers the College Board exams, offers this web site to offer information and publications to help students and parents prepare for the college experience. ETS also offers information about the Graduate Record Examination on this site.
    • The Princeton Review offers information about finding the college that best suits a student's individual needs, as well as tips on the application process and financial aid.
    • The Common Application provides an admissions application that can be submitted to any of its 340+ member colleges and universities.